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Why is so cheap?

Unauthorized Authentics

100% Genuine and Authentic

Our shoes are listed as ‘UA’ which stands for unauthorized authentic. Unauthorized authentic means that they were made in the same factory and with the same materials as the original product, but sold by someone other than the retail company.

Major shoe companies do not stick to one factory to produce their shoes, instead, they assign a certain number (i.e. 30,000) per model for each factory to produce. The thing about all of these factories is that they do not produce just the assigned number of pairs. They will produce double the amount, sometimes even 5 times the amount of shoes! The reason being is that they need these extra pairs to replace the rejected pairs after they fail to pass quality inspection.

What happens after the shoe company receives their assigned number of shoes, is that they move production to another factory to produce the same pairs of shoes. Now what gets left behind in the factories are the extra pairs of shoes that were rejected, or did not even get to be seen by quality control because the shoe company has already reached their quota.

As such the prices of our shoes are lower than retail because there are no multiple layers of mark-up through retail branches for the branded goods.